Yamaha XSR900 ile kurallar değişiyor

Yamaha Spor kariyerini hiç değiştirmedi, her defasında yeniliklerle bizi canlı tuttu. Şimdi 3. versiyonunu izleyeceğiniz bu video’da XSR900’ün gerçek yaşamı ve fizyolojisini öğreneceğiz. Concept Yamaha XSR900 karşınızda.
Yamaha continues to evolve its Sport Heritage range, never standing still. Now a new chapter (3) has arrived with the second model that lives and breathes the Faster Sons philosophy, the all-new XSR900. It was Roland Sands’ stunning triple concept, the ‘Faster Wasp’ launched earlier this month that further validated the philosophy. The concept shone with classic retro style blended with cutting edge technology and a strong race influence, inspiring the concept of the XSR900.
New Yamaha XSR900 – Born to rule