The BMW i Vision AMBY Film
Şehir sürücüleri için ilk yüksek hızlı pedelec olan BMW i Vision AMBY ile BMW Group, yarının kentsel mobilitesi için vizyoner iki tekerlekli bir çözüm sunuyor. Dışarıdan bakıldığında, BMW i Vision AMBY bir e-bisiklete benziyor ancak önemli ölçüde daha fazla olanak sunuyor. BMW Group’un IAA Mobility etkinliğinde şehirlerde ve çevresindeki bölgelerde bireysel mobilite vizyonunu sunduğu beş farklı konsept modelden biridir.
With the BMW i Vision AMBY, the first high-speed pedelec for urbanists, the BMW Group is presenting a visionary two-wheeled solution for the urban mobility of tomorrow. From the outside, the BMW i Vision AMBY looks similar to an e-bike, but it offers significantly more possibilities. It is one of five different concept vehicles with which the BMW Group is presenting its vision of individual mobility in cities and their surrounding areas at the IAA Mobility event. Under a single umbrella spanning electric mobility, digitality and sustainability, the five pioneering concepts create a versatile mobility mix on two and four wheels fuelled by sustainable thinking which comprehensively addresses an extremely wide range of mobility needs.