Husqvarna 701 Svartpilen ve Vitpilen

Yeni modellere yoğunlaşan Husqvarna, uzun süredir sunduğu konsept girişimlerinden olumlu tepkiler aldı. İlk versiyonlar için bu modeller hem KTM Duke 390 ile iyi ilişkiler içinde olup scrambler stili 401 Svartpilen (Siyah Ok) ve café racer stili 401 Vitpilen modelleriydi.

Husqvarna 701 Svartpilen

Çok ilgi gören 701 Vitpilen’i aynı zamanda sunmuşlardı. Fakat yeni ortaya çıkan fotoğraflarda bir de 701 Svartpilen ortaya çıktı.

Yeni modelin tasarımı ve aksesuarları itibariyle Ducati’nin Scrambler modeline rakip olarak çıkartılacağı belli oluyor. Vitpilen‘den bir kaç farkı var. Dişli lastikler, kalın gidon, yüksek gösterge, arka plakalık ve siyah renkli motor modeli ile çok çekici görünüyor. Vitpilen, üretime çok daha yakın görünüyor. İlk belirlemelere göre 2019’da bizlerle buluşacak.

These are exciting times to be a motorcycle enthusiast. Every day, global automotive publications spot a motorcycle or two being tested here are there. This time around, it is the Svartpilen and Vitpilen twins from Husqvarna. And no! These motorcycles are not the 401 series, but the 701 series which borrow the mechanicals from the KTM 690 Duke. Husqvarna is a sister company of KTM and therefore, gets the privilege to borrow engines and other parts for its motorcycles.

Bigger brothers
Both versions of the larger 701 were spotted this week, but one is visibly more advanced in its development. The Vitpilen version wears far more production-ready looking components, including what looks to be a more realistic version of the spectacularly convoluted exhaust end can seen on the concept bike. While the end can and stay are still relatively rough looking, the shape looks well resolved, and there’s a neat little heel guard already in place. The collector and header look very final, and there’s even a neat pair of shrouds masking the ugliness of the collector box.

The engine has moved on, too, and now proudly displays the firm’s ‘H’ logo on the main casing, while the large single radiator also wears neat shroud caps at either end. Although devoid of branding on the tank, the shape has no rough areas or duct tape visible. The tail unit shape also appears close to final, and while there is plenty of tape, this appears to simply be hiding decals, rather than its form.

The pillion pad/cowl fits well, and even boasts a strap, and the swingarm-mounted mudguard and numberplate hanger are clearly final versions – while the rear light does look to be a dummy. The front light is, too, and is expected to be replaced by a round dish style unit for production.

The front subframe moulding appears complete, providing a mount for the headlamp as well as a console from which LED indicators sprout.

kaynak: mcn


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1 Response

  1. Diyarbakır Moto dedi ki:

    19bin tl’ye kadar spor model önerisi istiyorum

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