Tank Motorlu Motosiklet, The Biggest Motorcycle With Tank Engine


Panzermoro adı verilen motosiklet Harzer Bike-Scmiede tarafından Almanya Hamburg fuarında tanıtıldı. V12 motora sahip motosiklet Rus yapımı T55’in motoruna sahip. 5 ton ağırlığı 5,5 metre uuzunluğu ile Hamburg Motosiklet Günleri Fuarında gösterildi ve fuar bugün sonlandı.

A “Panzerbike” designed by the company Harzer Bike-Schmiede is displayed at a trade fair in Hamburg, Germany. The bike is powered by a V12 engine taken from a Russian T55 tank, while the sidecar was made from the case of a Russian intermediate-range missile. The bike weighs almost 5 tonnes, is 5.5m long and is on display at the Hamburg Motorbike Days expo, which opened on Friday and ends today.

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